The bible says:
May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifce. Psalm 141:2
Let my prayer be set before you like incense! And what is incense?
Well, from
1 [in-sens] Show IPA noun, verb, -censed, -cens⋅ing.–noun
1. | an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned, used in religious ceremonies, to enhance a mood, etc. |
2. | the perfume or smoke arising from such a substance when burned. |
3. | any pleasant perfume or fragrance. |
4. | homage or adulation. |
–verb (used with object)
5. | to perfume with incense. |
6. | to burn incense for. |
–verb (used without object)
7. | to burn or offer incense. |
1250–1300; ME < class="ital-inline">incēnsum, lit., something kindled, neut. of incēnsus (ptp. of incendere to set on fire), equiv. to incend- (see incendiary ) + -tus ptp. suffix; r. ME ansens, ensenz < class="luna-Img" src="" alt="" border="0">
1250–1300; ME < class="ital-inline">incēnsum, lit., something kindled, neut. of incēnsus (ptp. of incendere to set on fire), equiv. to incend- (see incendiary ) + -tus ptp. suffix; r. ME ansens, ensenz < class="luna-Img" src="" alt="" border="0">
May I bring to your attention to the third definition of incense as a noun. Any pleasant perfume or fragrance. So this verse just simply means, let OUR PRAYERS be a PLEASANT PERFUME to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER! Let Him DELIGHT in our prayers.
So, my question to you today is:- Does your prayer please God with a pleasant perfume?
Seeing the last two posts about prayer, I am truly encouraged. So, I want to continue to encourage you, fellow servants of our mighty God, to PRAY LIKE NEVER BEFORE. and let our prayers not be selfish prayers. Let it not be (insert_your_own_name)-centered, but let is be God-centered! Let HIS will be done in our lives. Let HIS will be done in our cell members lives. Let HIS will be done in our church people lives. Let HIS will be done in our community. Let HIS will be done for everyone (*ahem* GDOP =D)
Now, close your eyes for a moment and think about your favourite perfume smell. If you don't like perfumes, think about your favourite food smell. Now, imagine the smell. Does it seem pleasing to you? Do you like it? In the same way, we want our prayers to be as, no wait, MORE pleasing to our Daddy God! Amen??
Go and pray!
Amen! Perfume to God!!! So cool!!!