Sunday, October 25, 2009

NEver alone

Hello people!!!
How are all of you? I'm still in Albany. This place is beautiful! What a wonderful place God has created!
I went to a church here! I going to share something that the pastor preached today, something that we all know but along the way, along the ups and downs, we forget...

The topic was on TRUTH.
Our journey of life after salvation is NEVER alone. Jesus is walking with us through this exciting journey. You may choose to ignore it but He is still right beside you! On this journey, we have a companion - the bible too!!! So cool right? After salvation, God gave us so many presents (He really loves us!!!!)

As we walk through this life on earth, there come many occasions that we need to make decisions. There are 2 persons we can ask; one is dead, one is ALIVE. Who would you ask? This is not a trick question.:P Of course, we ask JESUS! He is ALIVE!!! :)

Get to know this friend, this friend who died on the cross for you so that you may have eternal life! He is with you all through your journey, so why not get to know Him better as you walk through the ups and downs.:)

'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6).


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