Sunday, August 2, 2009

People are worth it!

Long long time ago, I remember lying down on my back, transfixed by the sheer beauty of the sky. I'd spend hours and hours just gazing at interchanges of colours and life in all their splendor.

God's beauty in His creation never failed to move me. At this present day, it still fails not.

Only what is different today is that I begin to understand that God's beauty goes beyond nature. It is also manifested in people. To God, His people are beautiful.

I can be sitting in the cafeteria having lunch with friends when God whispers into my heart the tender love He has for this guy sitting across the room. 'He is beautiful,' God says.
And when that happens, I'd sometimes find it hard to control the tears springing into my eyes.
Because what I see is an immaculately dressed, fine, young man deep in thought.
What the Spirit reveals is his bottomless loneliness and emptiness.
'He is beautiful,' says God.

I can be waiting for the bus when God points out to this ruggedly dressed woman whom people avoid due to her poor hygiene.
'She is beautiful,' says God.

I can be reading the news when God reveals His heart for people perishing without knowing Him.
When He opens the floodgates of my heart, how can I not weep at the pain He feels?
Have you ever lost a loved one? Then you would know the sorrow and the agony.
Only that His is magnified infinite times over.
His people beautiful to Him, yet lost for eternity.

At times when selfishness engulfs me at the little space I have left to myself,
At times when criticism and judgements dent the roof of my heart,
At times when voices of the enemy tear down,
At times when moments are ugly and murky and dark,

I take refuge in God who ordains beauty.

People are beautiful because He loves them. They are made in His image.

People are worth it.



  1. geng lar!!! G3 your english is superb!=) i also want to hear Him whisper...Big smile=)


  2. Yes, I agree too =D. G2 time to go to the english language support center at the basement of the library and brush up =D


    ur coursemate
