Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why do we serve?

Had a few great conversations today....hehe...

Sharing one with you..:)
Talking to a friend about the reason why we do what we do?
The aftermath of the talk was these questions popping out....

Standard answer to the above question is to show God's love to everyone.
What does showing God's love means?
How do we show God's love?

It is easy to do alot of things God have meant for us to do...
"things that even a non-Christian can do perfectly..."
What, then, is the difference when a Christian does it?

I ask you now to ponder on the questions before reading on...

When was the last time we lost our temple? When was the last time we refused to help somebody in need? When was the last time we just cant be bothered to are?

Are we serving? Or are we just doing it for whatever agenda that we have?

We serve not out of neccessity, we serve out of LOVE, out of GOD's overflowing LOVE.

What does that means?
We serve because the LOVE God has for us overflows and it overflows in out actions...

We DONT serve just so that people will praise us, because it is fun, because my leader tells me to, because everyone is doing it, because no one else can do it. No we are not indispensable! If we dont do it, God can send someone else.

We serve even in difficult times, we serve even the person who is unlikeable, we serve even when it hurts, we serve even when we dont see the fruit.

We serve with only one HOPE that one day the people that we have shown love to, will come to know the God who is so GENG, who never fails to provide, who is right behind us, who watch us and walk us through everything.
We serve because we love. We love because we are loved.

Are you serving or just doing? Are we love-ing?


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