"Never giving up means you realise that Jesus takes whatever little we give him and he does SO MUCH MORE!" ~40days of LOVE p.93
"Dont give up. Dont give up on people; the minute you do,they'll surprise you. Dont give up on prayer; GOD is doing SO MUCH MORE through your prayers than you can see. Dont give up on God's promises.... When you feel like giving up, choose instead to act." ~40days of LOVE p.94
Reading Pastor Holladay's story, i feel so sad, yet happy....
Like him, i cant say that i pray for my mum and my family everyday.... i also need encouragement to continue hoping and believing that someday the whole family will stand together with hands held up to worship the LORD.
i feel like giving up ministry, i feel like staying in my own little world to finish up my assignments with no interruptions, i feel like giving up so i can just go away without worrying about anything, i dont feel like doing anything....
But Jesus taught us on the cross not to do as we feel... He taught us too to love as He did... Put Love into actions even we dont feel like it, even when we dont see results....
When you choose to act with love again out of an obedient heart, feelings eventually follow.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
IM STUCKED with it!=)
yippee!!! hehehehehehehe=) im back!!! in action!!!=) ehem...letz see...where to start yea?!=) coz long time didn't write, i got sooo many things to share!!! wooohooo!!!=)
ok, i will testify about my results first!!!=) yipppeee!!!=) remember last sem i got two supp papersss! woohooo!!!=) i still thank God for that!!! and i thank God for how He's helping me with my resultss!!! i had 4 midsems for the past few weeks and i scored great in all 4 of them! normally when i check my results, i straight away go to the last page of the results page, coz my results not good normally, always border line. But these few times, i see my student ID on the first page at the first column!!! yey!!!!!!!=) yes, i did put in more time in my studies this semester, BUT ultimately i know who blessed me with good grades, MY GOD!!!=) Since young, i always had good grades and i always prayed for good grades, i was always at the top. But when i started pharmacy, duno why, i just couldn't make it up there. Now im back in action with DAddy's help!!! wooohooo!!!=) He is blessing me like never before!! and i really thank God for that! I HEREBY TESTIFY THAT MY GOD HELP ME IN MY STUDIES!=)
ok...next...I AM HAPPY!!! wooohooo!!!=) hahahahahaha=) i duno how to describe this happiness and joy im having now...but itz just overwhelming...=) and if you ask me why im happy now, i only can say itz GOD!!! whoaaaa!!! for the past few days, i had soo much fun going out with friends, fellowshiping with them, taking time to enjoy sceneries, etc. But my heart was not joyful. Tahhhduh...coz i didn't spend enough time with Him=) i got angry, disappointed in people, sad, hurt sooo easily. Even a small and short sentence would make me think sooo much until i emo myself. I wasn't happy truly eventhough i had sooo much fun=) cc...soo i went back to God and He showed me! yiipppeee!!! He put that joy inside of me deep down and all around, inside out! that is the GIFT He has given me! so however people criticise or what, it's their problem. i shall not hide this GIFT nor conceal it. And He reminded me who made me and who gave me whatsoever i have now in my life. GENG!=) also, my joy cannot be shared among people i find easy to love ONLY, but also people i find hard to love=)
sigh...I LOVE MY GOD! four words that will be stucked with me all the rest of my life...=) and im glad to be STUCKED with it!=) yippee!!!=)
ok, i will testify about my results first!!!=) yipppeee!!!=) remember last sem i got two supp papersss! woohooo!!!=) i still thank God for that!!! and i thank God for how He's helping me with my resultss!!! i had 4 midsems for the past few weeks and i scored great in all 4 of them! normally when i check my results, i straight away go to the last page of the results page, coz my results not good normally, always border line. But these few times, i see my student ID on the first page at the first column!!! yey!!!!!!!=) yes, i did put in more time in my studies this semester, BUT ultimately i know who blessed me with good grades, MY GOD!!!=) Since young, i always had good grades and i always prayed for good grades, i was always at the top. But when i started pharmacy, duno why, i just couldn't make it up there. Now im back in action with DAddy's help!!! wooohooo!!!=) He is blessing me like never before!! and i really thank God for that! I HEREBY TESTIFY THAT MY GOD HELP ME IN MY STUDIES!=)
ok...next...I AM HAPPY!!! wooohooo!!!=) hahahahahaha=) i duno how to describe this happiness and joy im having now...but itz just overwhelming...=) and if you ask me why im happy now, i only can say itz GOD!!! whoaaaa!!! for the past few days, i had soo much fun going out with friends, fellowshiping with them, taking time to enjoy sceneries, etc. But my heart was not joyful. Tahhhduh...coz i didn't spend enough time with Him=) i got angry, disappointed in people, sad, hurt sooo easily. Even a small and short sentence would make me think sooo much until i emo myself. I wasn't happy truly eventhough i had sooo much fun=) cc...soo i went back to God and He showed me! yiipppeee!!! He put that joy inside of me deep down and all around, inside out! that is the GIFT He has given me! so however people criticise or what, it's their problem. i shall not hide this GIFT nor conceal it. And He reminded me who made me and who gave me whatsoever i have now in my life. GENG!=) also, my joy cannot be shared among people i find easy to love ONLY, but also people i find hard to love=)
sigh...I LOVE MY GOD! four words that will be stucked with me all the rest of my life...=) and im glad to be STUCKED with it!=) yippee!!!=)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
BIG & small
Something that i read...
"...don't forget that when you "cast your bread upon the waters," you never know how it will be returned to you.
God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love and so small He can curl up inside your heart.
When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.
Only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly!"
A God that is so GREAT, lives in your, yes your heart! How cool is that! ;D
"...don't forget that when you "cast your bread upon the waters," you never know how it will be returned to you.
God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love and so small He can curl up inside your heart.
When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.
Only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly!"
A God that is so GREAT, lives in your, yes your heart! How cool is that! ;D
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
fOOd foR ThOught
Something for us to ponder upon
"If we cannot even love the people around us who we can see, How do we love a God who we cant see?"
I think it's sth Pastor Joyce shared.:)
Love all of you!
"If we cannot even love the people around us who we can see, How do we love a God who we cant see?"
I think it's sth Pastor Joyce shared.:)
Love all of you!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Why do we serve?
Had a few great conversations today....hehe...
Sharing one with you..:)
Talking to a friend about the reason why we do what we do?
The aftermath of the talk was these questions popping out....
Standard answer to the above question is to show God's love to everyone.
What does showing God's love means?
How do we show God's love?
It is easy to do alot of things God have meant for us to do...
"things that even a non-Christian can do perfectly..."
What, then, is the difference when a Christian does it?
I ask you now to ponder on the questions before reading on...
When was the last time we lost our temple? When was the last time we refused to help somebody in need? When was the last time we just cant be bothered to are?
Are we serving? Or are we just doing it for whatever agenda that we have?
We serve not out of neccessity, we serve out of LOVE, out of GOD's overflowing LOVE.
What does that means?
We serve because the LOVE God has for us overflows and it overflows in out actions...
We DONT serve just so that people will praise us, because it is fun, because my leader tells me to, because everyone is doing it, because no one else can do it. No we are not indispensable! If we dont do it, God can send someone else.
We serve even in difficult times, we serve even the person who is unlikeable, we serve even when it hurts, we serve even when we dont see the fruit.
We serve with only one HOPE that one day the people that we have shown love to, will come to know the God who is so GENG, who never fails to provide, who is right behind us, who watch us and walk us through everything.
We serve because we love. We love because we are loved.
Are you serving or just doing? Are we love-ing?
Sharing one with you..:)
Talking to a friend about the reason why we do what we do?
The aftermath of the talk was these questions popping out....
Standard answer to the above question is to show God's love to everyone.
What does showing God's love means?
How do we show God's love?
It is easy to do alot of things God have meant for us to do...
"things that even a non-Christian can do perfectly..."
What, then, is the difference when a Christian does it?
I ask you now to ponder on the questions before reading on...
When was the last time we lost our temple? When was the last time we refused to help somebody in need? When was the last time we just cant be bothered to are?
Are we serving? Or are we just doing it for whatever agenda that we have?
We serve not out of neccessity, we serve out of LOVE, out of GOD's overflowing LOVE.
What does that means?
We serve because the LOVE God has for us overflows and it overflows in out actions...
We DONT serve just so that people will praise us, because it is fun, because my leader tells me to, because everyone is doing it, because no one else can do it. No we are not indispensable! If we dont do it, God can send someone else.
We serve even in difficult times, we serve even the person who is unlikeable, we serve even when it hurts, we serve even when we dont see the fruit.
We serve with only one HOPE that one day the people that we have shown love to, will come to know the God who is so GENG, who never fails to provide, who is right behind us, who watch us and walk us through everything.
We serve because we love. We love because we are loved.
Are you serving or just doing? Are we love-ing?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
SOOOO excited!!! can't contain it inside!!! wanna let is SPREAD OUT OUT OUT!!!=) tooo excited to use words to describe!!! it's gonna be good!! it's gonna be awesome!! He delights in US!! He smiles when He sees US!! He's gonna be sooooo happy!!!=) i want to make Him happy!!! yey!!!!!!!=)
big smile
big smile
i WiLL pRaiSe YoU
I will trust You Lord my God,
Even in my loneliness
I will trust You Lord
I will trust You Lord my God,
Even when I cannot hear you
I will trust You Lord
And I will not forget that you hung on a cross
Lord you bled and died for me
And if I have to suffer
I know that you've been there
And I know that you've here now
Sunday, September 13, 2009
How can I keep from singing?
There is an endless song
Echoes in my soul
I hear the music ring
And though the storms may come
I am holding on
To the rock I cling
How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing
I will lift my eyes
In the darkest night
For I know my Savior lives
And I will walk with You
Knowing You'll see me through
And sing the songs You give
I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Servanthood is NEVER Convenient..
This is something that i wrote after cell group on friday... Part of it is a sharing by offered..
Paul was the person who was brought to his mind. Paul hunted Christians and put them to death. God convicted him as he was on his way to kill Jesus's disciples.Then he went out to preach the Gospel!
So what's my point? well, i'm getting to it NOW! :D
During that time, Christians were persecuted by both Jews and Gentiles. Christians were imprisoned, beaten,....It wasnt a CONVENIENT time for anyone, including Paul (esp Paul because of his family background and what he has done)
BUT, he chose to SERVE in the INCONVENIENT time; he chose to preach the Gospel to the ones who did not know God yet but needed God in their lives.
Yes, orientation 2010 is going to be during Chinese New Year, on top of being in Summer. Yes, it is going to be an INCONVENIENT time to serve.
But my question to you is are you going to be a SERVANT or are you going to choose to SERVE?
This is Jesus's instruction:
"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." ~John 13:17
And this is what He has called us to do:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the end of the age."~Matthew 28:19-20
What are you going to do?:)
G1....(sorry G3, i used your name before :S)
Paul was the person who was brought to his mind. Paul hunted Christians and put them to death. God convicted him as he was on his way to kill Jesus's disciples.Then he went out to preach the Gospel!
So what's my point? well, i'm getting to it NOW! :D
During that time, Christians were persecuted by both Jews and Gentiles. Christians were imprisoned, beaten,....It wasnt a CONVENIENT time for anyone, including Paul (esp Paul because of his family background and what he has done)
BUT, he chose to SERVE in the INCONVENIENT time; he chose to preach the Gospel to the ones who did not know God yet but needed God in their lives.
Yes, orientation 2010 is going to be during Chinese New Year, on top of being in Summer. Yes, it is going to be an INCONVENIENT time to serve.
But my question to you is are you going to be a SERVANT or are you going to choose to SERVE?
This is Jesus's instruction:
"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." ~John 13:17
And this is what He has called us to do:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the end of the age."~Matthew 28:19-20
What are you going to do?:)
G1....(sorry G3, i used your name before :S)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
God, rearrange me!
It started last night on my knees calling out to God, asking Him to break open my hardened heart. You see, I felt something was missing...that sense of closeness with Him that allows me to feel His heart and hear Him speak. I am with Him, but I have wandered away from resting in Him.
This morning, I dreamt about my sister. In my dream, she was a different person; one whose heart has been closed to me. I felt her bitterness, her cold demeanour, and her disappointment. In my dream, I wasn't crying but somehow, I could feel tears running down my cheeks even as I dreamt. I was crying in reality.
And today, the floodgates burst open. I experienced bouts after bouts of tears. I went on my knees, humbled and broken before God. I asked Him to rearrange me. Now, I am able to pour out my heart to God; my heart is soft.
And as I looked out at the glorious sky, a habit that I've loved since young, my heart asked the same question: Is this all I am?
I reflected on myself. I am one present to most people but absent to the people I love most. I am one who has faith for the big obstacles, yet trips over the smallest sin when it matters the most. I am one whose mind is consumed with thoughts about God but whose actions speak not. I am one of the Jews who came out of Egypt, having seen God's great miracles in my life, yet make the choice to sin against Him.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet neglect demonstrating God's love to my sister, and to my family back home.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet abandon my hometown friend when he needs me the most to stop my heart from hurting.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet choose to turn away from the needs I see cos I know that attending to them is a long term process which consumes my time and emotions and energy.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet shine not in my course even though He has called me too cos I fall at the small hurdles to reach the bigger prize.
Am I created to be mediocre in my life? Is this all I can do for Him? Is this all I can be at this present moment of my life?
And I knew right in my heart the answer that has consumed my thoughts for the past week. No, no, no.
I am not working my way towards His will. The more time I spend postponing doing the things I'm supposed to do, the more I walk away from doing His will. When that happens, the more desperate and lost and confused I become. The less I spend time with Him, the more I choose to be the person I was before- insecure, lonely, bitter, selfish.
Now, I truly understand what Tony Anthony meant by the reason that He is so on fire for God; he neither stops nor slows down on what God has called him to do.
When I stop or slow down, the enemy takes his opportunity to show me worldly things that entices me, to speak words into me that draws me away, to mislead my direction, and to cause me to make ungodly choices.
I want to be on fire for Him, so bright and hot that His love consumes everyone who walks into my life. I want to look at the sky, and answer the same question with conviction that I'm truly where I am meant to be, and doing what I'm meant to do.
I'm sharing this because it is so easy to get caught up in people, and in life. But God never meant for us to do that. That is why He says not to worry, and that His yoke is easy, and burden light.
What He wants is for us to be caught up in Him, that He will be able to work in us, and through us. So that our work is produced by faith, our labour prompted by love, and our endurance inspired by hope in Christ.
There is no later. Today, God is calling you to leave everything aside to come to Him. When you choose to do that, He will heal, renew, restore and set you free.
Are you willing to let Him rearrange you?
This morning, I dreamt about my sister. In my dream, she was a different person; one whose heart has been closed to me. I felt her bitterness, her cold demeanour, and her disappointment. In my dream, I wasn't crying but somehow, I could feel tears running down my cheeks even as I dreamt. I was crying in reality.
And today, the floodgates burst open. I experienced bouts after bouts of tears. I went on my knees, humbled and broken before God. I asked Him to rearrange me. Now, I am able to pour out my heart to God; my heart is soft.
And as I looked out at the glorious sky, a habit that I've loved since young, my heart asked the same question: Is this all I am?
I reflected on myself. I am one present to most people but absent to the people I love most. I am one who has faith for the big obstacles, yet trips over the smallest sin when it matters the most. I am one whose mind is consumed with thoughts about God but whose actions speak not. I am one of the Jews who came out of Egypt, having seen God's great miracles in my life, yet make the choice to sin against Him.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet neglect demonstrating God's love to my sister, and to my family back home.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet abandon my hometown friend when he needs me the most to stop my heart from hurting.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet choose to turn away from the needs I see cos I know that attending to them is a long term process which consumes my time and emotions and energy.
I am ashamed that I call myself a Christian yet shine not in my course even though He has called me too cos I fall at the small hurdles to reach the bigger prize.
Am I created to be mediocre in my life? Is this all I can do for Him? Is this all I can be at this present moment of my life?
And I knew right in my heart the answer that has consumed my thoughts for the past week. No, no, no.
I am not working my way towards His will. The more time I spend postponing doing the things I'm supposed to do, the more I walk away from doing His will. When that happens, the more desperate and lost and confused I become. The less I spend time with Him, the more I choose to be the person I was before- insecure, lonely, bitter, selfish.
Now, I truly understand what Tony Anthony meant by the reason that He is so on fire for God; he neither stops nor slows down on what God has called him to do.
When I stop or slow down, the enemy takes his opportunity to show me worldly things that entices me, to speak words into me that draws me away, to mislead my direction, and to cause me to make ungodly choices.
I want to be on fire for Him, so bright and hot that His love consumes everyone who walks into my life. I want to look at the sky, and answer the same question with conviction that I'm truly where I am meant to be, and doing what I'm meant to do.
I'm sharing this because it is so easy to get caught up in people, and in life. But God never meant for us to do that. That is why He says not to worry, and that His yoke is easy, and burden light.
What He wants is for us to be caught up in Him, that He will be able to work in us, and through us. So that our work is produced by faith, our labour prompted by love, and our endurance inspired by hope in Christ.
There is no later. Today, God is calling you to leave everything aside to come to Him. When you choose to do that, He will heal, renew, restore and set you free.
Are you willing to let Him rearrange you?
Miracle Maker
I’m waiting here for my life to change,
When the waters stir you can rearrange me.
Just one touch is all I need,
I’ve nothing much but the wounds I feel,
I’m looking for the hand of the miracle man.
Holy, you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Holy, you are holy, Saviour, Healer,
I’m standing at the feet of the miracle maker.
I’m holding on, with your life in mine,
Living water’s come,
And you’ve rearranged me.
Holy you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Holy, you are holy,
Saviour, healer,
I’m staring in the face of the miracle maker.
Holy, you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Jesus, precious Jesus,
Thank you, Saviour,
I’m walking in the shoes of my miracle maker.
I’m standing with the faith of a miracle maker.
When the waters stir you can rearrange me.
Just one touch is all I need,
I’ve nothing much but the wounds I feel,
I’m looking for the hand of the miracle man.
Holy, you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Holy, you are holy, Saviour, Healer,
I’m standing at the feet of the miracle maker.
I’m holding on, with your life in mine,
Living water’s come,
And you’ve rearranged me.
Holy you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Holy, you are holy,
Saviour, healer,
I’m staring in the face of the miracle maker.
Holy, you are holy,
Who was and is and is to come.
Jesus, precious Jesus,
Thank you, Saviour,
I’m walking in the shoes of my miracle maker.
I’m standing with the faith of a miracle maker.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
what would Jesus do?

drank two cups of coffee today...suddenly feel like writing!=)
shared this with my geng 'colleagues' just now...was reflecting on our cell core group meeting just now. And it suddenly struck me the amount of things we are doing and the things we are supposed to do in investing in Daddy's kingdom...really sooo much sooo much! somemore, everybody is busy also with other stuff. And there are many decisions to be made. Yes or no. No or yes. Sometimes it's tough to make important decisions. I know i face this kinda situations many times.
...We then need to REMEMBER this very famous question 'WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?'. If He was here, what would he do? Would He say yes? WOuld He say no? and when we think about this question, I believe it's really much easier for us to make tough decisions!=)
shared this with my geng 'colleagues' just now...was reflecting on our cell core group meeting just now. And it suddenly struck me the amount of things we are doing and the things we are supposed to do in investing in Daddy's kingdom...really sooo much sooo much! somemore, everybody is busy also with other stuff. And there are many decisions to be made. Yes or no. No or yes. Sometimes it's tough to make important decisions. I know i face this kinda situations many times.
...We then need to REMEMBER this very famous question 'WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?'. If He was here, what would he do? Would He say yes? WOuld He say no? and when we think about this question, I believe it's really much easier for us to make tough decisions!=)
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