Monday, April 11, 2011


A wave of worries have been flooding my life, one after the other which made me ponder upon what is love, and what loving another person truly is about.

I've finally realised today that loving is expecting nothing in return and having the person's best interest at heart. Nothing matters more than that when it comes to loving a person; not even my own hopes and expectations for ministry, cell group, or personal life.

I am learning to be aware that emotions can become our god, and how dangerous that can be in that emotions sway my perception of people, ministry and life. The person comes first in God's eyes.

I shall learn to put people first, ministry second. Much like how Jesus took His time to stop for a person even when He had many more to minister to. Just like how Jesus forgave Peter even after Peter denied Him three times, viewing things that happen with a much bigger perspective than just that moment in time.

How do I know exactly what or how or who? I've come to a point where I want with all my heart to hear God's voice. Not the voice of peers, friends, leaders, people I love, sermons, worship songs, books, testimonies. Just solely Him, purely Him.

He is more than enough.


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