Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tears of the saints

'Having seen all this, you can choose to look the other way, but you can never say again 'I did not know''
-William Wilberforce


Friday, August 28, 2009

A precious two-way conversation


How long must I pray, must I pray to You?
How long must I wait, must I wait for You?
How long 'til I see Your face, see You shining through?
I'm on my knees, begging You to notice me.
I'm on my knees, Father will you turn to me?

One tear in the driving rain,
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breakin' heart?
One light, that's all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If You're everything You say You are
Won't You come close and hold my heart

I've been so afraid, afraid to close my eyes
So much can slip away before I say goodbye.
But if there's no other way, I'm done asking why.
Cuz I'm on my knees, begging You to turn to me
I'm on my knees, Father will you run to me?

One tear in the driving rain,
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breakin' heart?
One light, that's all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If You're everything You say You are
Won't You come close and hold my heart.

So many questions without answers, Your promises remain
I can't sleep but I'll take my chances to hear You call my name

To hear You call my name

One tear in the driving rain,
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breakin' heart?
One light, that's all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If You're everything You say You are
Won't You come close and hold my heart.

Hold my heart, could you hold my heart?
Hold my heart.



Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life

Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go


Thursday, August 27, 2009

God is not yet done with me

my monkey praising God

when yongtaufu said "God is not yet done with you two", i only realised how close i was to meeting God that night face to face. Aiks! and only when in the toilet after coming back home, i realised i forgot to thank God for saving my life! i didn't thought it was a serious car accident until the others said it was quite a major one. wooo...=) then i thank God and reflected slowly the whole night...

If that night i were to meet God, i really wasn't ready! i wasn't ready to meet Him, i wasn't prepared! what would He say to me? i couldn't and don't dare to imagine. There are so many things in my life that needs to be changed (for the better) and i know i know that i have to change. My attitude, my lifestyle, the way i treat people, etc. I want to be able to meet Him with confidence and be excited about meeting Him. It's like exams...if we're not well prepared, we fear entering the exam hall because we don't know what will happen; but if we are well prepared, we get excited about the exam and would just want to see how well we studied and how much knowledge we gained. I wasn't ready for God and He knew that i guess. He gave me another chance. wow! a chance to change for the better.

after reflecting much, i started to cherish my life and the lives around me. and i know if i love people, i should let them know. and if i want them to know something, i should let them know. Coz you never know when you're leaving. God has more for me in plan. He asked me a question few weeks back then, and i answered Him YES. I believe He will fulfil His plans and promises. He never fails.

I love Him and His people and everyone around me and i will learn how to cherish each and everyone of them. I see everything differently now. So weird. Different perspective. Life is just LIKE THAT and i don't wanna waste mine. I want to be proud to meet God and not hide my face behind a bush when i see Him=)


Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 things i want to share...and more to come=) twin sent me a message with a sentence that gave me affirmation:


It was simple sentence that really made me smile!!! hehehehe=) my God is with me today ler!!!=) i happy lar!!!=)

then one of my devotion today also one sentence:

"And I will give you rest." Matt 11:28

I've been really tired and nowadays my atnight before sleep prayer would start with "God ar, I'm really tired ler..." today He affirm me AGAIn that He will give me rest! i know He will coz He said so!!!=)

And thing i learned. I learn to write letters to God, love letters, requests, prayers, etc. Back to the olden days. Take out a pen and a piece of paper and write to God. Then clip the paper at my bedside to remind me about my prayers and God. I find it real good! coz sometimes i find it hard to pray (yes i do have times like that i admit), then i'll just write coz i know He'll still listen, well maybe read lar!=) and He has answered all my letter prayers very fast in fact!=) hehehe=) so i encourage you beautiful people to try to write letters to God! try! you never know!=) hehehe=)


Beautiful One

He opened my eyes to His wonders anew,
and captured my heart with His love,
Nothing on earth is as beautiful as Him.

Neither men nor creation can compare to our God;
Our God is mighty and great
Our God is beautiful and majestic
Our God is marvellous and wonderful!

I love Him!
I adore Him!
My soul must sing!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Our Father will never leave us.

Throughout our lives, He is there with us,
through the happy times, the sad times,
the impossible times.

He knows every detail because He is there ALWAYS!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for
the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you" ~Deut 31:6

Walk with Him and you will be stronger after the storm!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

We can make a difference

This is the video we watched in church:

And this is the follow up video:

One can make a difference.
Anyone can make a difference.
WE can make a difference.


LOVE is not a fight.

This song is from Fireproof...
But as i hear the song, i felt it's more than just for couples...
It's for our love story with God too!:)

Love is not a place
To come and go as we please
It’s a house we enter in
And then commit to never leave
So lock the door behind you
Throw away the key
We’ll work it out together
Let it bring us to our knees

Love will come to save us
If we’ll only call
He will ask nothing from us
But demand we give our all

Love is a shelter
In a raging storm
Love is peace
In the middle of a war
If we try to leave
May God send angels
To guard the door
No, love is not a fight
But it’s something worth fighting for
I will fight for you
Would you fight for me? It’s worth fighting for


Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Father knows the BEST!

After a long time, I'm back!:)
It's been a busy 3 weeks! Busy yet meaningful 3 weeks! And this is just the beginning!:)

God has given me a certain task. I was trying hard to find out what can i do? In my mind was:-
what can i do?
how can i do it?

what do i need to watch out for?
how does people do it?
Am i missing something?! Yes, indeed i was...

So keen to do the RIGHT thing, i got so lost. Lost in the ways of this world.

But God knows the BEST!
A timely phone call from a sister whom i've never met. She reminded me that all i need to do is to follow the nudging of the Holy Spirit! It's that simple but i got carried away and forgot the most basic.

That's not all! God spoke again during my QT. I was reading the story of Deoborah-how she listened to God and guided her people to victory! Judges 4
She hears God and believes in Him and shows great courage in a time when her people has forgotten about God's faithfulness. Her faith led her people to victory against their oppressor!

What really spoke to me was how God knows the BEST! He could tell His people exactly where to go and He could move the nature and turn the enemies' strength against them and bring His people out! How awesome!!

Who else will know better than our Father who is the creator of all things!
I do not need to worry too much on how things are going to be done. I just listen and hear His voice which will guide me in every situation! The same goes to you! Because my Father is Yours too! :)

Who knows the BEST?........OUR FATHER in HEAVEN!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

lesson of the day: MY DADDY IS GENG! I KNOW THAT!=)

we were in the car (lil mustard seed) just now going to enjoy bbt. There were yongtaufu, didi, mosquitoe and kimchi. And on the way, we were looking at the sky and saying how beautiful it was, just admiring the scenery^.^ then i turned to kimchi and said: "eh, my Daddy made the sky ler!=)" then kimchi replied: "my daddy made the sky too! your Daddy is my Daddy lar!=)" then everybody laughed!=)

two kids insisting that their Daddy is the best and their daddy can do everything! boosting about their Dads! hehehe=) it was a simple conversation on a very simple topic! MY DADDY IS GENG! and all of us need to know that! and be proud of our DADDY!

lesson of the day: MY DADDY IS GENG! I KNOW THAT!=)


People are worth it!

Long long time ago, I remember lying down on my back, transfixed by the sheer beauty of the sky. I'd spend hours and hours just gazing at interchanges of colours and life in all their splendor.

God's beauty in His creation never failed to move me. At this present day, it still fails not.

Only what is different today is that I begin to understand that God's beauty goes beyond nature. It is also manifested in people. To God, His people are beautiful.

I can be sitting in the cafeteria having lunch with friends when God whispers into my heart the tender love He has for this guy sitting across the room. 'He is beautiful,' God says.
And when that happens, I'd sometimes find it hard to control the tears springing into my eyes.
Because what I see is an immaculately dressed, fine, young man deep in thought.
What the Spirit reveals is his bottomless loneliness and emptiness.
'He is beautiful,' says God.

I can be waiting for the bus when God points out to this ruggedly dressed woman whom people avoid due to her poor hygiene.
'She is beautiful,' says God.

I can be reading the news when God reveals His heart for people perishing without knowing Him.
When He opens the floodgates of my heart, how can I not weep at the pain He feels?
Have you ever lost a loved one? Then you would know the sorrow and the agony.
Only that His is magnified infinite times over.
His people beautiful to Him, yet lost for eternity.

At times when selfishness engulfs me at the little space I have left to myself,
At times when criticism and judgements dent the roof of my heart,
At times when voices of the enemy tear down,
At times when moments are ugly and murky and dark,

I take refuge in God who ordains beauty.

People are beautiful because He loves them. They are made in His image.

People are worth it.
